Celebrate Yourself
Notable Cigar features the finest selection of top-rated cigars available at the Poconos. An emphasis on quality and customer service are highly regarded at our establishment, so allow us to accommodate you. We specialize and cater to experienced and inexperienced smokers who appreciate premium and aged tobacco blends with rich and bold flavor profiles. With a range of flavors and strength, we narrow down the specifics and carry only those known to receive high marks for consistency any aficionado will recognize.
Break off and unwind with a premium cigar at the sitting room equipped with comfortable seats, the latest entertainment technology, and state of the art air ventilation systems. Patrons are encouraged to relax and soak in the moment of leisure. Choose to socialize with other patrons and discuss common interests or seclude yourself to enjoy the smoking experience at peace. Have a smoke before you head out for those fancy dinner plans or end your night with a stogie.
Join us on Friday nights for social events at the lounge. Socialize and let loose with cigar enthusiasts like you. End on a high note after a long week and start your weekend with us! Live entertainment is provided, and special offers are available throughout the night.
Reserve A Private Event
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